Market research companies are predicting huge growth in clinical trials. It is clear that Life Sciences companies need to find a way to increase trial effectiveness while decreasing costs.
In particular, pharmaceutical and bio-tech companies are competing for a short supply of qualified clinical investigators. Effectively finding and assessing prospective investigators/sites for new trials is critical. Targeting the right investigators contributes to the overall success of the program and directly impacts costs by reducing the study start-up and investigator recruitment cycles.
To support your site recruitment efforts, we have integrated key clinical data from a number of sources to create ClinDB, a one-stop, searchable knowledgebase of clinical professionals.
Investigator/Site Selection
ClinDB helps improve investigator selection by providing critical data to help identify, select and nominate strategically important, high-quality investigators.
Opinion Leader Development
ClinDB can help you develop a portfolio of investigators who are scientfically and commercially important to Clinical Research and Development prior to Phase III start-up.

Many companies struggle with bringing data together from multiple systems across an organization. It is difficult to provide critical business insights when data is missing. We can efficiently create a single view of the customer, providing a 360 view across your organization that is cross-referenced across multiple internal business systems. Clean, conformed master data can then be used for effective reporting and insight.
Critical to creating a single customer view is the ability to recognize multiple versions of a customer that are stored in separate systems within your organization. Even though these systems may have assigned separate unique identifiers (IDs, Account Numbers, etc) for a single customer, SolutionOne will be able to recognize each of these master records as different representations of the same customer.
Once the customer has been recognized, we can match any and all transactional information that has been stored about that customer to the newly cross-referenced master customer record, giving you the ability to integrate all of their data as needed for analyis and reporting.
With SolutionOne Recognition Services you can finally create a complete view of your customers.

Reportics is a cloud-based reporting service that allows you to upload critical data from across your organization into a single analytical environment, giving business users quick, simple access to the data they need to get their jobs done.
End-User Focused
From the beginning, we developed Reportics to provide a single, dynamic, easily-configurable and consistent user interface that is the same whether you are reporting on activities from your CRM systems or financial data from your accounting systems.
To provide this power and flexibility, we have knowingly sacrificed some of the customization and fine-tuning features that are available in other reporting tools. For example, we do not provide pixel-perfect reporting capabilities. We recognized early only that users don't like all of the added complexity, and quickly abandon ad-hoc reporting efforts, leaving the burden (and bottleneck) of report creation on IT. This is exactly what most IT departments are hoping to avoid by implementing a reporting platform.
Reportics focuses on quickly and easily summarizing data, and providing a drill path to the underlying details. Once end-users have identified critical information, they can then download it to their favorite desktop tool (eg Microsoft Excel).
Reports, Charts, Maps
Visualize data in a variety of ways, including columnar and crosstab reports, pie charts, bar charts, scatterplots and thematic maps.
Push Reporting
Save critical reports for single-click reporting. Or, schedule reports to be run automatically and sent via e-mail, enabling users to see critical data without ever having to log in to Reportics.
Integrated Analysis
Data from separate systems can be integrated in a number of ways, providing you with a single reporting environment that brings together critical information from across the organization.
- Create and use master dimensions, including the Customer Master created by SolutionOne
- Summarize data across common dimensions, regardless of whether the data was sourced from separate systems
- Build single reports that bring together these data from multiple system sources
Fine-grained access to the data (row and column level) is controlled by user role, so you can control the information users are able to see.
Data models are automatically generated by the Reportics Load Layer, and access to standard dimensional database tables is also available, so that you can use a variety of other tools to access the data once it is loaded into Reportics.